September 30, 2024, by Windsor Pack 155
Sunday October 20th.
Beautiful sunny weather in the 70s this weekend! Cub Scouts are meeting at the Big Hill for a hiking adventure.
Meet at 10 AM at the parking lot just west…
September 30, 2024, by Windsor Pack 155
Monday, October 21st. Ride your bike to the meeting! We will then learn about cycling safety, maintenance, and take a short ride.
See you at Windsor Elementary School at 6 pm.
August 17, 2021, by Windsor Pack 155
Pack 155 gathered at Windsor Sports Commons (Windy Linde) on Saturday August 17th for the annual rocket launch and Scout Graduation. Scouts built and launched rockets…
August 17, 2021, by Windsor Pack 155
Welcome back Cub Scouts! New Scout Night is September 13th, 2021 at 6:00 pm. Any kids age 5 – 10 are invited out for our new Cub Scout Night! Meet and Play Kickball with…
Submit a comment and one of our amazing Pack volunteers will get back to you as soon as possible about your son or daughter joining Pack 155!
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August 1, 2016, by Pack155
The Webelos II scouts from the Black Cat Patrol and the Raven Patrol just returned from their adventures at “Akela’s World” in Rhinelander. What an awesome…
Thanks to all the scouts and parents who helped represent Pack 155 in the DeForest 4th of July Parade on Monday!
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June 29, 2016, by Pack155
We have new information from the DeForest Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce… please click below to view the 4th of July Parade event information including where we are in the…
June 24, 2016, by Pack155
Here’s a few photos from the Pack’s baseball excursion with the Madison Mallards…
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The scouts from Pack 155’s Raven Patrol learned about the movie making process and then set off to create their own short film. The scouts together decided on a story,…