If you need to restock popcorn these three Fridays are your time do that — Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17. Restocking runs from 6:15-7:15pm at Jeff Krueger’s House.
If you need to restock popcorn these three Fridays are your time do that — Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17. Restocking runs from 6:15-7:15pm at Jeff Krueger’s House.
If you need to restock popcorn these three Fridays are your time do that — Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17. Restocking runs from 6:15-7:15pm at Jeff Krueger’s House.
Wreath orders are due to Wreath Sale Coordinator Kelly Lawton. As with the popcorn sale, please collect money payable to you and submit a cumulative check made payable to “Pack 155”.
Pack 155 will get things started for 2015-16 on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 4pm. Our initial meeting for this scout year will be at Windsor Fireman’s Park. We’ll get you all the info you need for the Annual Popcorn Sale. Remember, the popcorn sale provides the funds for all the cool adventures the boys enjoy all year long…
Leaders will handle the setup and opening, and we’ll all help out with cleanup and treats.
Please review the How Important is Selling Popcorn? document before this Pack Meeting… thanks!

Pack 155 will get things started for 2016-17 on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 4pm. This is our initial meeting for this scout year and it will be held at Windsor Fireman’s Park. We’ll get you all the info you need for the Annual Popcorn Sale. Remember, the popcorn sale provides the funds for all the cool adventures the boys enjoy all year long…
Leaders will handle the setup and opening, and we’ll all help out with cleanup and treats.
PLEASE review the How Important is Selling Popcorn? document before this Pack Meeting… thanks!
The 2016 Cub Scout Popcorn Sale officially begins! Good luck to all scouts as you venture out around the neighborhood, setup at some local businesses, and nudge those friends and relatives to support you as you raise money for the 2016-17 scout year.
PLEASE review the How Important is Selling Popcorn? document to remember how much your effort means to the Pack and all the cool stuff you’ll do… thanks!

Chris needs your help!
The Pack — and more specifically our Popcorn Kernel Chris Roy — needs your help with picking up our popcorn from the warehouse. The more help we have, the easier and faster it will go for all. We need at least 10 loaders/unloaders and probably 10 large vehicles/trailers. Per council rules anyone under the age of 11 must stay in the vehicle at the warehouse pickup.
DATE: Friday, Sept 16 at 1:15pm
PICKUP: Capitol Warehousing Corporation (building #30)4521 Helgesen Dr, Madison, WI 53718
DROPOFF: Chris’s house 4399 Van Winkle Way, Windsor
Please let me know if you can help.
Chris Roy
p.s.–Popcorn pickup for selling is from 4:30-6pm on Friday, or 8-11am on Saturday.

Pickup your “show and sell” popcorn at Chris’s house from 4:30-6pm on Friday, September 16.
Please do not trade or swap popcorn with other families — all unsold items must be returned to Jeff and then redistributed to those needing more popcorn. If you are a returning scout, Chris has a record of what you started with last year estimating what you may need this year.

Pickup your “show and sell” popcorn at Chris’s house from 8-11am on Saturday, September 17.
Please do not trade or swap popcorn with other families — all unsold items must be returned to Jeff and then redistributed to those needing more popcorn. If you are a returning scout, Chris has a record of what you started with last year estimating what you may need this year.