You (yes, YOU!) Can Do This

Written by Pack155 on November 5, 2015

An open letter from Cubmaster Tony:

Dear Pack 155,

I’m entering my last year as Cubmaster. Next June, Andrew will be an Arrow of Light Rank (formerly Webelos II). With the other AOL boys, he will cross over to Boy Scouts either in December 2016 or February 2017, depending on when the ceremony is held.

I would like you to consider being an Assistant Cubmaster (and Cubmaster in Training). By the way, this is way more notice than I got. 🙂 It is not a requirement, but the new Cubmaster would preferably be a Tiger or Wolf Parent this year. That way you would be able to serve the Pack and provide stability for 2-3 years.

Between the Pack meeting planning books, monthly roundtable meeting and turnkey documentation I’ve created in our Pack’s shared Dropbox folder, each month of the Scout year is very well laid out. You also have a committed team of parents that will always be here and will support you. I will help you transition into the role and support you until you feel comfortable. The previous Cubmaster was very helpful to me even after he left, and so will I.

I love doing this and will miss it. You will too, Scout’s honor. It’s so rewarding. I never thought when Andrew joined as a Tiger that I would be the Pack’s Cubmaster. We are all too busy to do this… but here we all are! 🙂

I’m NOT an Eagle Scout. I have no other scouting qualifications, other than these…

Cubmaster Qualifications:

  • Love having fun
  • Ability to be goofy
  • Inability to sing
  • Love Scouting
  • Like beige shirts
  • Love getting soaked water balloons on a chilly September day.

Moms, Dads or any adult Akela can be Cubmaster. Please consider this sooner than later, and reach out to me with any questions you have.

Warm Regards,

Tony Veroeven
Cubmaster, Pack 155