Upham Woods DETAILS
Written by Pack 155 on March 15, 2015

Soon we’ll have more details related to the Upham Woods Overnight in Wisconsin Dells in July. You can see a map and the rest of the event details here: Upham Woods Overnighter.
Please be sure to fill out two additional forms that we recently became aware of: the Assumption of Risk form and their Photo Release form. These forms are in addition to the Upham-specific health form, which you should have already turned in. There are 3 forms total.
Recognition, Awards, and Advancement
This is possibly the first time Pack 155 is taking scouts to Upham Woods. We want to be able to assist all of you by getting a great head start with the achievements, recognition, and awards at your scout’s rank by attending the Upham Woods Overnight.
Here’s where we need your help: all Parents, Den Leaders and Scouts please scour your new books for belt loops, pins, patches, and awards (you can find a digital copy of your scout book on your Den page). Then look at the Upham lesson plans and descriptions for each Upham program, and take note of your experience while at Upham.
We’ll need your help building a “knowledge base” around our experience at Upham and “translating” it to opportunities to recognize the boys.
When we return just email Tony Veroeven (tony@veroeven.com) a listing the potential awards, etc., that can be linked to the activities and programs we experienced Upham. If we can get a volunteer or two at each rank this would be great. I know this is a lot of work, but it should be manageable at the Den/Rank Level. We’ll be able to pass this knowledge on to future Pack 155 scouts who visit Upham Woods.
Emergency Contact
Please provide your cell numbers — a cancellation due to weather at this year’s Day Camp taught us that getting a hold of people at the last minute can be a real challenge. If the Upham Woods campout is cancelled or other emergency communication is necessary, the fastest mass communication would be via text message. We will only use this form of communication for cancellations or emergencies.
If you signed up for Upham Woods at a previous pack meeting but have not yet paid, we are still including you in our overall attendees total. So far we are planning for about 45 people. If you have decided NOT to attend (but previously signed up) please let Tony Veroeven know asap — we will have to pay attrition costs if less people attend than the number we register with Upham Woods.
Dining Hall Volunteer Schedule
We need several volunteers to help with the dining hall — an adult dining room supervisor for each meal, and 5 scouts to help with setup and clean up.
Dining Hall Setup (5 scouts); Dining Hall Cleanup (5 scouts); Dining Hall Parent Supervisor (1 adult) for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.