Pack-Troop Kickball Game & Picnic

Written by Pack155 on August 5, 2010

Hope your summer is going fantastic! On August 10 beginning at 5:30pm, the Annual Pack 155 – Troop 155 Kickball Game & Picnic will be held at Fireman’s Park in Windsor (not DeForest).

You should wear your Class B shirts. The Troop will once again cook the main course on the grill and supply beverages. Pack 155 families, please bring a dish to pass. This is a fun family event, so bring everyone!

Please rsvp to Jay Waldschmidt by August 8 if you plan to come. This will give the Troop Committee an idea of how much food & drinks they’ll need. You can still come if you don’t rsvp, but we’d like an approximate number to count on.

The Troop will be taking nominations for leadership positions that evening, so it will be an excellent opportunity for Cub Scouts (especially Webelos) to see how a boy-led Troop functions.

Hope to see you there!