Snow Tubing at Cascade

Join the Pack for an awesome evening of snow tubing on Cascade Mountain on Tuesday, December 30. IMPORTANT: Plan to arrive for check-in between 4:30 and 4:45 at “Tube Town” at Cascade. The Pack will get all scouts checked-in and paid for as a group. Those arriving after 5pm will need to pay for their scout and get reimbursed by the Pack at a later date.
Scouts are FREE (paid for by the Pack). The actual tubing event is from 5-10pm (the times changed due to holiday hours at Cascade), with cost is $15 for non-scouts who are 7 years or older, and $10 for non-scouts 6 and under. Best part is, the Pack will receive 50% KICK BACK from Cascade — so we can have a great time and know that in the end, we’ll also raise a little money, too! Win-win. With the money that comes back from Cascade, the Pack is planning for a donation to the DeForest Area Needs Network (D.A.N.N.).
YOU MUST BRING THESE WITH YOU: Make sure you download two documents — the Snow Tube Rental Waiver, and the Pack 155 Snow Tube Flyer. You need to bring the waiver for each participant, and you also need to present the flyer to the cashier when you arrive. The flyer is available as a jpeg or PDF to easily view on your smartphone just present your phone to the cashier, or you can download print the PDF and present the physical copy.
1. Take I90/94 to exit 106.
2. Go west on Highway 33 for 1/4 mile.
3. Turn left on Cascade Mountain Rd.