
Black Hawk Tigers

March 28, 2011, by Pack155
Den 1 Tigers recently toured the Black Hawk helicopters used by the 147th Aviation Unit of the Wisconsin Army National Guard. …

2011 Pinewood Derby Results

March 1, 2011, by Pack155
This is a little late coming, but below is the official results from the 2011 Pack 155 Pinewood Derby. Congratulations to all who participated, every race was extremely close…

2011 Summer Camps Signup

February 18, 2011, by Pack155
Sure there’s snow on the ground, but it’s time to plan for summer. There are many Summer Camps for Pack 155 Scouts this summer. Below are links to download the Summer…

Tigers See a WORT…

February 4, 2011, by Pack155
On January 20, 2011, the Tigers of Den 1 enjoyed a Go-See-It visit to our local community radio station, WORT. Here’s some pictures of their trip: …

Order Bucks Tickets

February 1, 2011, by Pack155
The Pack is planning to attend Scout Night at the Saturday, April 2, 2011, Milwaukee Bucks game versus the Philadelphia 76ers. Tipoff is at 7:30 pm. If you would like go, the Pack…

**Blue & Gold UPDATE**

January 19, 2011, by Pack155
As considered earlier in the week, the Blue & Gold Banquet has been officially moved to SATURDAY, January 22. …

Blue & Gold Food Assignments

January 16, 2011, by Pack155
Food assignments for the 2011 Blue & Gold Banquet potluck have been settled. We are asking that each den bring the following: Main Dishes: Den 1 Tigers Den 3 Scorpion Patrol…

2011 Derby RULES

January 9, 2011, by Pack155
Below is the official rules for the Pack 155 Pinewood Derby. If you have any questions about the 2011 Derby, please email Josh Larkoshor Brian Taylor. …

What You Need to Know: Nov-Dec2010

December 14, 2010, by Pack155
Just a few reminders as we near our December Pack Meeting. But first, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the #1 Popcorn Selling Pack in the District! Way to go Pack 155! …

Bears Storm the Capitol

November 9, 2010, by Pack155
The Den 4 Bears made a trip up to the State Capitol on November 5 to see how the government works first hand. …