Armpits Take Center Stage
Written by Pack155 on April 21, 2015

It was all about armpits last night… oh, and advancements, too! The April Pack Meeting featured that often overlooked body part and showed just how useful your armpits can be. From generating special noises by blowing into a straw strategically placed under the arm to creating tasty chocolate fudge, the ol’ underarm was easily the star of the show.
There were lots of giggles and endless smiles all night as the boys gave a armpit-aided Bronx-style cheer instead of applauding. Then their pits got a workout as they mixed up and smooshed the ingredients to their “Armpit Fudge”.
But there were tons of advancements, too, as the Pack handed out new badges to Tigers, Wolves, and Bears. Great job, boys!