Summer Day Camp Details
Written by Pack155 on May 14, 2014

* * * IMPORTANT * * * Wednesday’s rainout day has been RESCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY 6/20
Drop-off and pick-up will be at SHELTER 2 (rather than Shelter 5 where we have been meeting). Times are the same: drop-off 8:30am; pick-up between 3:15 and 3:30pm. Questions? Contact Kathy Belgen at 608-213-0233
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The following is a letter for parents from Summer Day Camp Coordinator Kathy Belgen:
DATE: May 12, 2014
TO: Windsor Cub Scout Pack 155 Parents
FROM: Kathy Belgen, Summer Day Camp Coordinator
SUBJECT: Parent involvement and what you need to know for Day Camp.
Pirate Theme — Token Creek County Park, Windsor
June 17, 18, 19 (Tue – Thur) — view event info, including maps
We have a huge group this year with 22 scouts and 16 parents.
Day camp is an action packed day that will be fun for your Scout and their families. There are over 300 scouts (all wearing the same shirt) attending from all over Dane County. All the scouts will be organized in to 15 groups. Our pack has a very large group this year and might be broken into 2 groups – I will find out closer to camp. 15 stations are run simultaneously through the day and the groups rotate amongst the stations every 45 minutes. Each group visits 5 stations in a day centered around one of the 3 park shelters. There are whole camp activities prepared at the opening and ending of each day of camp. A different and unique lunch time program occurs during each day.
Token Creek County Park Cub Scout Day Camp is run by generous volunteers who love Cub Scouts. No one at camp gets paid. The camp directors rely on parents from the packs that are attending to take some responsibility. Each pack attending is responsible to provide a sufficient number of adults to run a station, one adult to be Range Master for all three days, and provide supervision during camp. This is a hands on experience for the adults as well as the campers.
Pack 155 will run a station and will be responsible for manning the station with two adults. Our parent attendees will each take one of the three days to do this. I (Kathy Belgen) will attend the training meeting May 21st and get the information on our station, and will share this information with you at the June pack meeting/graduation campout. In years past we have signed us up for a craft station under a shelter and hope to get an easy station again this year. The station volunteers will be provided with a syllabus, all materials, and hands-on practice time for the stations that they are running. They need to be enthusiastic and prepared to lead an energetic group of about 24 boys through an activity. They will have assistance in controlling the group and difficult parts of the stations with the adults that are traveling with the scouts around the stations. The station staff is responsible for the following activities:
• Being familiar with the material in the leaders guide for the camp.
• Being familiar with the prescribed syllabi for the station and the materials that are required.
• General set-up and clean-up of station materials.
• Adding his or her own “personal touch” to the station.
Supervision during camp: Adults are expected to participate in the supervision of the campers at all times during the camp. Pack 155 has a large group this year and we need every parent to help keep an eye on all 22 scouts. Parents are needed to help keep the scouts together as we travel from station to station and parents are expected to help our scouts at each station as we travel around. Some station leaders will need help getting the boys started and on task, other stations will not need much parent help. Not every camper will have a parent with them please get to know other scouts by name and help them have a positive camp experience.
Other volunteer opportunities: A big thanks goes out to Rhonda Veroeven — her son Andrew is in Den 3 and her husband Tony is our Cubmaster. Rhonda has agreed to be our Range Master again this year. She will fill out one of our required volunteer spots for all three days. Thanks Rhonda!
Parents unable to attend: Parents who will not be able to join us for the fun at camp can still help. I would like commitment from the parents not able to attend to help set up the Pack shade/rain tent for the duration of camp. The tent would need to be set up the day before camp which is Monday June 16, and located near Token Creek Shelter 5. The shade tent can be taken down when you pick up your scout on the last day of camp. There will be picnic tables around the area, and please put two table under the tents. Please let me know if you can take this responsibility. Please thank all the parents that are going to camp to help your scout have a good time.
Parents Going to camp, what is need from you: We have a lot of parents attending this year which is great! Thank you! Most parents cannot attend all three days some families are tag teaming so that one parent is at camp all three days. To fill pack 155 requirement of running a station any scout that has a parent group attending all three days needs to have one parent help run a station one day. Please let me know who and what day you would like and I will get it organized. Running a station is not hard and it is only during station time that you will be away from your scout, we all eat lunch together.
Check-in at 8:15 AM Tuesday June 17th at the Pack 155 shade tent near Shelter 5 at Token Creek Park.
Please be there at 8:15 AM on Tuesday! It is very difficult to complete all the first day check in requirements on time if we have late arrivals, so please be there on time. We will pass out t-shirts and name tags at the shade tent. Look for our Pack 155 flag. Be sure you stay at Shelter 5 until you have checked your Scout in with Kathy Belgen, each day. When checking your scout in, please let me know who will be picking them up and if there is a change in contact information for the day.
Wednesday and Thursday morning check in will be at 8:30 AM. Please bring your scout to Shelter 5 at our shade tent to check them in for the day.
Closing ceremony starts at 3:00 PM on each day, and Camp is over at 3:30 PM. Please be at Token Creek before 3:15 PM. Please let me know you have arrived, spotted your scout, and are ready to check out your scout(s) with (me) Kathy Belgen. If your son can’t attend any day, please call me (213-0233 cell) as soon as possible. I am required to inform the Camp Director of any Scout that won’t be in attendance. If you need to pick up your son early, you need to let me know that he is leaving so I can inform the Camp Director.
Please review the list of required items that your Scout must bring to Summer Day Camp. These items are not just “a good idea”, they are “the Law”. Water, a hat and sunscreen are very important. Please consider putting on the sunscreen before camp. A Scout leader needs written permission to apply lotion to a non related scout.
Everybody must bring their own lunch and drink and a way to keep it cool, if necessary. Scouts will be getting items to bring home at many activity stations so a backpack is very important! Raingear is necessary because you never know what the weather is going to be like on any given day. We go, rain or shine!
• Lunch and Beverage – each Cub Scout, sibling and adult is responsible for his or her own lunch. If the lunch needs to be kept cool, please include an ice pack in the bag just like at school.
• Official Camp T-shirt to be worn every day (will be issued Tuesday morning)
• Water Bottle
• Hat
• Rain Gear (it will rain)
• Backpack
• Sunscreen – please apply this on your child before camp starts
• Medication Form and Medication(if needed)
• Wear shoes (closed toed) to run around in and most likely get wet from the rain.
• Pocket Snacks
• Insect Repellent — If you feel your scout needs Insect Repellent please put it on him before you leave him at camp or if you want to send some with him please only send non-aerosol (the rub on kind or pump spray) – the #2 reason for visiting first aid last year was bug spray from an aerosol can in the eyes. Last year bugs were not a problem.
— Kathy Belgen, Summer Day Camp Coordinator, 608-213-0233