Flaming Arrows Receive ‘Arrow of Light’
Written by Pack155 on December 19, 2013

Front row, left to right: Kaden Simson, Christian Gafner, Nick Maier
Middle row, left to right: Joshua Hodkiewicz, Wyatt Treinen, Zack Degnan, Ben Staehle
Back row, left to right: Austin Smith, Garrett Kerl, Zach Waldschmidt, Eli Foy
The December Pack Meeting on Monday, Dec. 16, was at meeting that came full circle. Not only did the Flaming Arrow Patrol (above) earn their Arrow of Light, but later in the meeting the Pack greeted a new Tiger with his Bobcat Badge. The annual “Wright Family Ornament Pass” was once again a bit of controlled chaos as scouts tried to keep up with narrator Tony Veroeven’s next “left” or “Wright”. Tony was making his debut as Pack 155’s cubmaster and he’ll lead the Pack into 2014. CLICK HERE TO VIEW PHOTOS.
Pinewood Derby cars were handed out to the scouts, but if your son did not receive his car please see your den leader.
In addition to the Arrow of Light and crossing over ceremony, the meeting’s theme was “Pay it Forward” and each scout was given $5 to use as they see fit, so long as they “pay it forward” to help someone else. We’ll learn what the boys used their $5 for at the Blue & Gold Banquet on January 19.
The Pack also needs some help with leadership positions — Assistant Cubmaster and Media Liaison. Please contact Tony Veroeven if interested…