Pinewood Derby 2013 Rules
Written by Pack155 on February 4, 2013
Below is the official rules for the Pack 155 Pinewood Derby. If you have any questions about the 2013 Derby, please email Josh Larkoshor Brian Taylor.
2013 OFFICIAL RULES (Feb. 9, 2013)
1. Workmanship should be done by the Cub Scout with the guidance and assistance of his family!
2. Only official BSA Grand Prix Pinewood Derby wheels and axles are permitted. They are included in your Pinewood Derby kit.
3. The car must have been built in this Scout year. Cars used in a previous Cub Scout Pinewood Derby are not permitted.
4. Each car must pass inspection by the Pinewood Derby Committee before it may compete (inspection is from 8-9am). If a car does not pass initial inspection, the entrant will be informed of the reason for failure and may use the time remaining within the official weigh-in period to make adjustments. Inspectors have the right to disqualify cars that do not meet the specifications provided.
5. Car Specifications:
Maximum width – 2¾”
Maximum length – 7″, measured from leading edge
Maximum height – 3″
Maximum weight –5 oz., as measured by scales used during official registration period
Minimum span between inner wheel surfaces – 1¾”
Minimum bottom clearance (between car body and track) – 3/8″
Special note: The starting mechanism of our track uses a wooden dowel located at the center of each lane to restrain cars before the start. The leading edge of all entries must therefore provide at least ½” of flat surface centered to meet the dowel, and no car parts may extend forward of that point.
6. No loose materials of any kind are permitted on or in the car. The car may be hollowed out and built up to the maximum weight by the addition of wood or metal only, provided it is securely attached to the car. All external decoration or parts must be securely fastened to the car. Parts that fall off the car will not be allowed to be put back on unless a committee member caused the part to fall off.
7. Only dry lubricants (e.g., powder graphite) may be used on the wheels and axles. Wheel bearings, washers and bushings are prohibited. The car shall not ride on any type of springs. The car must be free-wheeling with no supplemental starting devices.
Axles must be placed in the wooden grooves provided on the wood block of your kit at a 90 degree angle with respect to the car body, no cambering of wheels is allowed. This requirement has been added to encourage your Scout to do more of his own work and eliminate unfair advantages. No axle guards are permitted.
8. In the event of a wheel falling off the scout, with an approved leader, will be allowed to reattach the wheel, but no additional lubricant may be applied. If such failure interferes with the performance of competing cars the results will be considered invalid and the heat will be rescheduled. Cars may not be repaired or otherwise altered during a race session. The only exception to this rule occurs if the car is dropped or otherwise damaged by a member of the Race Committee. In that case, the entrant will be allowed reasonable opportunity to refurbish the car and continue competition.
9. The order of finish in each heat will be determined by electronic sensors located at the finish line, although a supervising race official will be present who may overrule electronic calls in the event of obvious malfunction.
10. A limited amount of tools and materials (glue guns, drills, weights, etc.) will be made available during the registration period for last-minute adjustments. In order to streamline the registration process, we encourage entrants to verify that their cars conform to the weight and dimension limits detailed above before submitting the car for official inspection.