Pinewood Derby Results 2012
Written by Pack155 on February 13, 2012
The official results from Saturday’s Pinewood Derby are in! Special thanks to Brian Taylor and Josh Larkosh for organizing the event, and a thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this year’s Derby another great success.
Congratulations to all the boys for building such cool cars and showing great sportsmanship.
The results are below, but just a couple notes regarding the District Derby, March 3, 2012. Scouts who qualified for the Pack Championship (1st or 2nd place in their Den) will have their District entry fees paid for by the Pack. Scouts who finished 3rd in their Den races can also race at District and their entry fee is $7. Scouts finishing 4th or lower in their Den races may also race at District in the Open Class with a registration fee of $7.
Please let Josh Larkosh know asap if you will participate in the District Derby. Our Pack must turn in our District Registration by Friday, February 17. The district race is a LONG track. Having a car that goes STRAIGHT is extremely important for a good result. The rules are tighter than our pack’s and they will disqualify cars for not following the rules.
2012 PACK 155
Den 7 Tigers
1. Kolby Tomkins
2. Ben Belgen
3. Sawyer Lawton
4. Logan Hunter
5. Dylan Degnan
6. Bryce Morauske
7. Jayden LaCrosse
Den 8 Tigers
1. Gabriel Pirlot
2. Benjamin Kriesler
3. Kevin Jentz
4. James Wickus
Den 1 Wolves
1. Calvin Geerdts
2. John Martin
3. Caleb Jansen
4. Harrison Roy
Den 6 Bears
1. Kaden Simpson
2. Ryan Yesbeck
3. Christian Gafner
4. Zachery Degnan
5. Reid Morauske
6. Josh Hodkiewicz
Den 5 Bears
1. Joey Larkosh
2. Wyatt Treinen
3. Nick Maier
4. Matthew Taylor
5. Jared Benninger
6. Kade Esser
7. Bennett Girten
8. Leo Pink
Cobra Patrol Webelos 1
1. Aiden Clark
2. Trevor Geerdts
3. Alex Polo
4. Ryan Chatman
5. Payton Lopez
6. EdWyn Erickson
7. R.J. Ferris
1. Joey Larkosh
2. Calvin Geerdts
3. Aiden Clark
4. Trevor Geerdts
5. Wyatt Treinen
6. Kaden Simpson
7. Kolby Tomkins
8. Ben Belgen
9. Gabriel Pirlot
10. John Martin
11. Ryan Yesbeck
12. Benjamin Kriesler
1. Jason Gafner
2. Caleb Jansen
3. Dan Geerdts
4. Dan Jansen
5. Michael Yesbeck
BEST CAR (as voted by the Scouts)
1. Nick Maier
2. Ben Kriesler
3. Jayden LaCrosse