Popcorn Return 2009
Written by Pack155 on October 20, 2009
This is a reminder in case you were not able to make the Pack Meeting Monday night.
Popcorn Return is this Wednesday, October 21, 2009, from 4:00 – 8:00 pm.
Please come with the following:
• any leftover popcorn
• any empty boxes you have
• a check made out to Pack 155 for the total amount of your sales
• your Scout’s complete order form with totals at the bottom
• your Scout’s prize picked out and noted on their form
• and, if necessary, this Take Order Form filled out with how much of each type of popcorn you will need to order to complete your deliveries
Remember that if your Scout has earned a particular prize level, but does not wish to order a prize from that level, they can pick from any level below it. They can also split up the prize level into two prizes. This can be done no matter what level they reach. For example, if your Scout earns the $2,300 level, they can pick 1 prize from that level, or they can pick a combination of prizes from different levels as long as the combination of the dollar amounts of those levels are equal to or less than their origonal prize level. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.
The boys still have an opportunity to earn their marshmallow blaster and another chance to enter the Wii drawing. If your Scout has a full form that HAS NOT previously been entered into the drawing, please let me know on Wednesday night. Scouts are allowed one entry per filled form, so please let me know if there is a form that you have not already turned in for the contest. I will mark those on Wednesday to be sure to get them into the drawing for Friday.
If you have exchanged popcorn with another Scout and have not emailed me about it, please let me know ASAP.
If I have any questions regarding your popcorn forms, missing popcorn or dollar amounts not correct, I will call you. If you do not hear from me assume all is well.
Thank you for all of your hard work in helping your Scouts earn money for the pack. I know it is just as much work, if not more, for you as it is for them, and you don’t get any cool prizes for your accomplishments!
Please let me know if you have any questions!